Senior Accomplishes Goal: ‘Publish in a Journal’ "By coupling the hydroponic system with recirculating aquaponics, you allow the system to operate without mass water intake and outtake and you remove the need to use petrochemicals," he said. "The Ibc aquaponics system design Rather than the hydroponic or aeroponic growing method used by most of the competition, Upward relies on aquaponics, a looped system that utilizes fish to grow plants through the production of natural He transferred to ESF after deciding to pursue a career in medicine. "I wanted to be closer to hospitals, but I also wanted to stay in the SUNY system," said Jorgensen. "Now I can walk to three
Scott Fonte
Upward plans to open a 250,000-square-foot vertical farm in PA early next year Senior Accomplishes Goal: ‘Publish in a Journal’
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